I Detoxify My Armpits and You Should Too


detoxify armpits7 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She underwent surgery and treatment and thankfully she is now in remission.

After my mom’s breast cancer diagnosis though, I started to look more closely at what products I was using and how they affect my overall health.

I learned that our skin is our largest organ.

Since our skin is incredibly porous, whatever we place on our skin is quickly absorbed into our bloodstream. I put a lot of different products on my skin without giving it a second thought. Thought of switching out all my current products for a natural alternative, seemed overwhelming. So, was there one simple switch I could make to start?

Switch to Natural Deodorant

I decided since the armpits house lots of lymph nodes, they would be a good place to start trying a more natural alternative. The lymph nodes work to rid the body of toxins, so no need to add more toxins with traditional deodorant. Traditional deodorants are often aluminum-based and full of parabens, phthalates, and fragrance. 

So, I got myself some natural deodorant and away I went or so I thought.

No matter how often I applied the natural deodorant, I would still start to smell by the end of the day or after a hard workout. No one wants to stink.  I confided in a friend that none of the natural deodorants I tried worked all day, she mentioned I needed to detoxify my armpits. Detoxifying your armpits removes odor-causing build-up that cannot be washed away by soap alone. Who knew?

How do you detoxify your armpits?

My friend recommended bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Both bentonite clay apple cider vinegar are great natural remedies that help draw toxins out of the skin. When you combine them, it makes a powerful detoxifying mask for your armpits and helps eliminate toxins and armpit odor.

detoxify armpits

Armpit Detox Recipe and Instructionsdetoxify armpits

  • Mix together 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay mixed with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with a non-metal utensil.
  • Add a little water (1-2 tablespoons) slowly until you get a mixture you can spread under your armpits.
  • Allow the mixture to dry for up to 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water.


detoxify armpitsWhen you first start to detoxify, some redness is normal, but if you experience any other symptoms or reactions wash off immediately. 

When you first switch from traditional deodorant to a more natural kind, it is important to remember you may have to detoxify more frequently to remove toxin build-up. Over time, you may only need to detoxify 1 to every 4-6 months.

How to find a natural deodorant that works?

One of my favorite ways to find products I love is by asking my friends and family. I have also found beauty experts at Sephora and Ulta have good recommendations as well. Just like any other deodorant, you might have to try a couple to see which one works with your body composition and skin.  Some popular choices include Native, Schmidt’s, and my personal favorite Lavanila

October is breast cancer awareness month and while there are no specific scientific studies that say traditional deodorants can lead to breast cancer, I am always looking ways to stay healthy and make the swap for a natural alternative. What’s one simple swap you can make?

Switching to natural deodorant and regularly detoxifying my armpits helps me to not only stay odor-free but also draws out harmful toxins and improve my overall health. Plus, while my armpits are detoxifying, I can sneak in a quick 20 minutes of alone time which is always a simple pleasure!

Will you detoxify your armpits? Have you made the switch to natural deodorant?

detoxify armpits


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