3 Reasons Why I Got an Epidural


What is it about a mom and a newborn that invites the onslaught of interrogation? The,

How much did he weigh?

Is he sleeping?

Is he a good baby?

Whose nose does he have?

How’s he eating?

Then there’s my favorite,

Did you have him naturally?

Seriously?! I don’t even know your name, lady, and you want me to sit here, in the park… in the parking lot… in the library… and divulge to you the details of how this sweet, tiny, brand new baby made his entrance into the world through my “Mommy hole”?! Seriously!

But, to answer your question, Yes. Yes, I had my four babies naturally. They didn’t come out of my ear, or a magic hat, or even pixilate out of thin air. I was fortunate to have carried all four of my babies to full-term, and when I got to the hospital, I said “Yes” to an epidural.

newborn baby epidural laborHere are my reasons why I said yes to an epidural:

  1. I trust my doctors. My husband and I made an effort to find a clinic and doctors we felt had our best interest in mind. It was important to us thatย the doctors listened to us, understood what was important to us, and provided individualized care. We had that. So when they said an epidural was safe, I trusted them.
  2. I don’t like pain. At the dentist, when I have a cavity filled, I opt for the laughing gas. When I sprain my ankle or fall on the ice and hurt my back, I take Ibuprofen. If there is something that can help ease the pain and discomfort, I’m not opting to “rough it out.”
  3. I wanted to enjoy my baby’s birth. One of my boys came way too fast. So fast I had no time for an epidural. All I remember is biting the arm of my husband and yelling, “Get him out of me!” Whereas with my other three, I was able to rest and relax. I remember a lot more details of their births because I wasn’t cursing in pain.

Iย never take for granted how fortunate I am to have had four healthy pregnancies and deliveries. Trust me when I say I don’t take that for granted. I alsoย understand that my journey as a mom didn’t stop at the choices I made on their birth day. It was only just the beginning.

Why did you choose to have or not to have an epidural?


  1. Love this! I think it’s great that some women want to have natural births–power to them! But I am a BIG fan of modern medicine, including vaccines and epidurals. I have a hard time understanding why women choose to have natural births on the basis of history… We didn’t have the cures for a lot of things 50+ years ago, but we do now, and we use those, so what’s so wrong with an epidural? All I have to say is THANK GOD for epidurals because I’m pretty sure I would have passed out if I had to go through natural child birth…not that I don’t have a tolerance for pain, but I was never so scared of anything in my life. And the experience was so pleasant. I smiled, I was happy, no yelling, and all was serene. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. I really disagree with this post. I think when people talk to you in a parking lot, it’s because they remember how isolating it can be when you’re a new mom. When they ask about your birth experience, they are acknowledging that for some people, it can be very traumatic and for others it’s non-chalant and they are opening the door for you to share about yours if you choose to do so. Motherhood unites women, it’s what we have in common. How lucky are you to have people that care enough to ask you questions about you and your child’s well- being? Don’t like it? Don’t answer. Friendly strangers got me through the first few months of my son’s life!

  3. I didn’t mind the questions from strangers mostly because I was obsessed with talking about my baby (ha!) but AMEN to the epidural!! I had a wonderful birth experience that was not overshadowed by pain. We were literally laughing and high-fiving as my daughter’s head crowned. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I chose to have an unmedicated natural birth not because I have a problem with the advancement in medicine, but because of the effects an epidural can have on breastfeeding, the baby, and my body. I love modern medicine as I am a nurse. One that has taken care of hundreds of Mom’s after delivery. We know that nerve damage is possible, and that the medicine from an epidural can slow progression. We also know it can lower your blood pressure and heart rate- that’s why they put you on continuous monitoring. A lactation consultant will even tell you how it might cause latching issues because the medicine can cause the newborn to be lethargic. The use of epidurals can lead to higher rates of c sections, episiotomies, vacuum and forcep deliveries. I didn’t want to chance it. I knew I could do it and I worked hard during my pregnancy to achieve it. It was a calm and amazing experience. The biggest natural high you will ever experience. There’s far too much fear surrounding the pain of birth. Everyone’s threshold is different and it doesn’t make anyone less of a woman for having an epidural. But just because you get one doesn’t mean it’s going to be all sunshine and rainbows. Oh and I vaccinate my child.

  5. i had a natural birth, honestly for no reason… They offered me the epidural almost to the end. Just thought I would give it a shot… It’s what our bodies were meant to endure. I can’t say now whether I would do it again, I need to block some things from my memory! I’m happy I went through with it, it’s my own little badge that I’ll carry just for me.

  6. i got an epidural mostly for my husband. The whole birth experience freaks him out to the extent that 7 hours into my labor (that he was awake for four of those hours), he laid his head on my hospital bed at my side in exhaustion. As a habit I reached out to soothe him by stroking his bald head…wait, what?? I’m comforting HIM?!! Okay – this is rediculous – enough pain for me, and stress for him, it is what it is. Get me that Epidural.

    It is about the baby and the mother but we are a family and we are doing this together. Marriage and family are about doing what is best for everyone as a whole and as a team. He had made unspoked sacrifices just as the rest of us have so for him to be the best that he can be for me, I can certainly get an epidural. I too have faith in God and my doctors and I believe an epidural is a wonderful thing in many situations. It’s not for everyone, but it was and is for our family.

  7. I wanted natural childbirth under the influence of some documentaries. But once I got there, I had problems with bladder not emptying and I was in terrible pain. I am so happy I was able to get epidural. I think it is huge relief for many mothers. Who wants to do it without it, it is fine with me.

  8. I have always said I would be okay with an epidural but no local drugs. And I can honestly say after having my first child – who was a whopping 9lbs 5oz – I am very glad I asked for the epidural. I had a terrible after-birth experience and can only imagine what that would have felt like without the epi. I asked for the epi while birthing my second child only because I was scared of the pain from tearing. But the birth was much easier the second time and I do hope to go completely natural for any future births. But I am glad I experienced the births and happy I did ask for the epidural.


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